Tarif et dates limites
Date limite régulière :
31 mars 2025 23h59 (Heure du Centre)Les inscriptions débuteront le 1 mars 8h00
Frais d’inscription
Tarif | 40,00$ par inscrit(e) |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Méthodes de paiement
En ligne
Les autres informations
Matches will start Saturday March 5th as early as 9am.
Sunday matches dependent on number of players in tournament / divisions.
Tournament Incentives
- Tournament souvenir shirt
- Snack table throughout the day
- Saturday evening pizza party
Tournament used to selection Racquetball Manitoba's Junior Provincial Team.
Juniors must participate in their specific age group (cannot play up).
Exceptions are made for 12U juniors who may play 14U.
Juniors may only register for one division.
Junior Provincial Team Criteria